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rumpus ruckus rocker renal ritzy rill rheumatism rheum retch remand regurgitate recusant recherche ravening ramp raff rack rustler rustle ruminate rumble ruddy rucksack ruck rubble rowdy rove rote rout roundabout rotund rosy rollicking roister rip rinse rigmarole riffraff riffle rhapsody revulsion reversion reticulation retroactive retrenchment retentive retention resurge restorative reshuffle rescript repository repent replica reportage rendition renascent renunciate remunerate remonstrate remittent remittance remonstrance remit rejoin rejoinder remission reincarnate regiment regent regal reedy reconnoiter recline ravish ratify raillery ruthlessness rustic ruse rural rapscallion rasp reckon rebarbative racketeer rupture runic rung ruffle ruffian rudder rubicund royalty rue roughen rotten rotate rostrum rookie roil roe roster ruminant robust rumple rudimentary rivulet riveting rivet rive rivalry rival ritual ripple ripen rite riotous rind rigor rile rigid ringlet riot riven robe rig rift rifle rife ridicule ridge rider rhythmic riddle rickety rhyme ribald rib rhinestone rhubarb rhetoric rewarding reward revue revolt revive revitalize revise revile revert reverse revere reverie reverberate revenue revenge revelry revelation revealing retrieve retrench retribution retreat retract retrace retouch retort retiring retinue reticent retard retaliation retaliate retainer retain retail resuscitate resurrect resurgence resume restraint restrain restored restore restless restive restitution restiveness responsiveness responsive response respondent resplendent respite respiration resourceful resound resort resonant resin resilient resilience resigned resignation residue residual resident reside reserve resentment resent rescue rescission rescind requite requisite request repute reputation repulsion repulse repugnant repugnance repudiate reptilian reptile reprobate reproach reprove reproof reprise reprisal reprimand reprehensible reprehend repose repine repertoire reportorial replenish replete repressed reprieve repellent repel repeal repatriate repartee reparable rent renown renovate renege rendezvous renounce renegade rendering render rend remove reparation remunerative repercussion remnant remiss remorse reminisce reminder remains remainder relish relinquish religion relieved relic reliance relevance relentless relent relenting relegate release rejuvenate relaxation relate relapse rejoice reiterate reinstate reign reinforce rehearsal rein reimburse rehearse regulate rehabilitate regime regale refute regressive refurbish regress refulgent refugee refresh refrain referee reel refractory refraction reed redundant redress redolent redistribution redoubtable redundancy refinery reek refectory reflect redirect redemptive redeem recuperate recumbent rectitude rectify rectangle recruit recourse reconstitute recompense reconnaissance recondite reconcile recombine recollection recluse recoil reclaim recital reciprocate reciprocal recipient recipe recessive recession recess receptive receptacle receipt recede recast recapitulate recant recantation recall quack recalcitrant rebuttal rebus rebuke rebuff rebate reaper reap rebellious ream realm realign reagent reactionary razor ready ravishing readily raze ravine ravenous ravel rave raucous ravage ratiocination rational ration rattle raspy rarefaction ratification reactant rapt rapprochement rapport rapids rapacious rant ransom rankle ranger random rancor rancid ramshackle rampart rampant rampage ramify ramble rambunctious rally ram rakish raisin rail raid ragtime ragged rage rag rafter raffish radius raconteur rabies rabid raffle rabble racy renew remote remind remedy remarkable remember remark reluctant remain rely relieve reliable relevant relax relative relationship relation reject regulation regularity regular regret register regional region regardless regarding regard refuse refrigerator reform refine reference recreation refer reduce red recover recorder record reconciliation recommend recognize recite reception recent receive rebel reassure reasonable reason rear realize realization real reality realism read reaction react reach ray raw ratio rare rather rate rat rarely rapid rank range raise rainy rainfall rainbow railway radio rain railroad radicalism radical radar racism racial race rabbit ruthless rust Russian rush rumor ruler Russia ruin rule rubber rude rubbish row rub royal routine route round rot rose rope root rough roof romance Roman roll role rocket romantic rock robot robbery rob roast roar road river risk rise ripe ring right ride rid rich rice rhythm revolve revolutionary revolution review reveal reunion reunification return retire result restrict restaurant rest responsible respond responsibility respective respectful respectable respect resource resolve resolution resistance resist resign residence resemble require research republican republic reproduce repression representative represent reporter replace repeat report reply repeatedly repair rouse run up to run through run over run out run into run down run across run away with relay regenerate recollect radiate run for resist temptation reaction to ruby resolute resemblance repay relativity reduction recovery resultant resistant representation replacement reliability regenerative refusal refreshment rebellion reactor rumour rapidity rotary radiator rim rotation roller respectively reproduction relatively refuge renovation recur radish rash rigorous retrospect revolve around residential rein in reel off rectangular reckless rape radiant run up against run up run to run riot rule out rub it in round up round the clock rope in root out roll up roll in rise above rise to ride out relative to reflexion refer to as recognise reckon with realise rather than retailer returnable receivable revival rummage retrograde resurgent redemption recreant recidivism rationalize rat-race rat race ratal retirement researcher requisition repayment renewal rental remitter remittee related reimbursement reformer reeducate roundsman realty ROI result from respond to raw material repulsive relocate real estate runway remuneration round-trip restate runner-up retrieval ruinous rugged rueful revoke reverence reverent reticence restoration replicate renowned remorseful reminiscence refined reconstruct rebut rapture ransack radiance rush out run wild run parallel to rust away root in rocking chair retentive power reward sb. return to life rough hands replace with renew a friendship relative speed reproductive capability removed from rich in REM (rapid eye movement) residential lot reflective glass reference point reflective tape reduce to refuse site relevant to red cedar raw sewage ready market raise money reference to rag paper reach its peak range from to railroad industry rule of thumb rise to the occasion righteous resort to rhetorical question registrar regeneration refreshing refrain from referendum reckon with sb reactivate resoluble rheumatoid rickets rhinitis reversible retina reticular respire resonate resonance resect repress reluctance relaxant regression regimen referral refluent rectum rectitis recrudesce recondition recombination recklessly reck rationale rascal rancher rale radiotherapy radiology radicle radiograph radial racist rubella