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beat about the bush
美音: [bi:t əˈbaut ðə buʃ] 英音: [bit əˈbaʊt ði bʊʃ]

beat about the bush基本解释

隐约其辞; 不直截了当地说,旁敲侧击; 迂回其词; 绕脖子

beat about the bush网络解释

1. beat about the bush

1. 旁敲侧击:as professional as professional could be 炉火纯青 | beataboutthebush 旁敲侧击 | engage in idle theorizing 纸上谈兵

2. 不直截了当,绕圈子:be no exception 不例外 | beataboutthebush 不直截了当,绕圈子 | behind schedule (车,飞机等)晚点

3. 拐弯抹角:193. 有话快说. if you have something to say...say it! | 194. 拐弯抹角. beataboutthebush. | 195. 慢吞吞的! slow as molasses.

4. 绕弯子说话:be grateful to sb. for sth.为某事而感激某 | beataboutthebush绕弯子说话 | beat time打拍子