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do well (in )
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do well (in )单语例句

1. He added that the firm intends to fully capture market share inChina and believes Unilever will dowellinthe country.

2. But Pfizer's Cissy Wang said smoking cessation drugs donot sell wellinChina, despite a huge smoking population.

3. Every year several young people commit suicide, fearing they will not dowellenough inexams to get into the best schools.

4. But that doesn't always compute that she will dojust as wellinany one tournament.

5. China's education system confines students to rote memorization inorder to dowellon test scores.

6. The countries that dowellare those that set policy ina manner consistent with the environment that they face.

7. The two leaders would dowellnot to get bogged down indiscussing the long list of complex and contentious issues inthe relationship.

8. Marketing strategies that work wellincities might run invain inthe countryside, and special offers or discounts may not attract farmers like they docity dwellers.

9. Property investors smarting from this year's housing bust inthe United States might dowellto look farther afield - even out of this world.

10. The boy said he left home because he was worried he wouldn't dowellinthe final examinations and disappoint his parents.

do well (in )双语例句


1. Despite this, you are likely to dowellinroutine life.

2. You would dowellto reconsider taunting me inthis manner, madam.

3. You would dowellto reconsider taunting me inthis manner, sir.

4. Day I has let me cook meal, the noisy bell has also bloomed, I have felt have sth. on one's mind to be engaged, as soon as donot know having been awake also slept well, got up luckily at 6o'clock much time, inthe evening, have been ready for breakfast for them, 2nd day has broken down, the noisy bell has also been unable to hear, one sleep to 7o'clock, late meal of sleep still is to be going to compose, just being it is exactly by one point lately.

5. Incontestably, the history of peasant, including the well-to-dopeasant, is an important part inprocess of English agricultural modernization and the whole social modernization.

6. In China, to dohings wellneeds to pass a lot of rituals.

7. Surviving books which contain complete written repertories of the chant with music donot appear before the tenth century, and are wellestablished inthe eleventh.

8. The second characteristic of the difference should be the subject of a large, generally 40% to 90% is common, there are three times, five times and some low agreement may be affected by the impact of premium, high estimate is very optimistic on the market, inOne infront, on the 2nd notice are non-residential plots, the real is on the 3rd block this out, we are now to doa risk systems, risk systems inaccordance with our prediction, the vast majority of areas we need it the average We estimate that the region should be higher than the price of three into the original inthe first round tender for a high price, but that hundreds of pieces of land which already has nearly half of the land into the market, their current pricing, as wellas some of their project with the bid has been fully resolved the first round of bidding when the call price, so the first round of bidding price risk has faded.
第二个特征的差异应该是一个大问题,一般40 %至90 %是常见的,有3倍,5倍和一些低协议可能受影响的保费,高的估计是非常乐观的市场,一个在前面,在第2次公告的非住宅小区,真正的是在第三块了这一点,我们现在正在做一个风险系统,风险系统根据我们的预测,绝大多数的地区,我们需要它的平均我们估计,该地区应高于价格的3到原来在第一轮投标,以高昂的代价,但数百幅土地已经有将近一半的土地进入市场,其目前的定价,以及他们的一些项目的竞标价格已经完全解决了第一轮招标时,要求的价格,以便在第一轮投标价格风险已经消退。

9. If you want to dowellinyour undergraduate study, dowellon this exam first.

10. We have did some physical training and basic skill training, to let eveyone try what is Parkour. Inthe workshop, we hope to let everyone know physical training is so important for Parkour, ofcause that is not comfortable, we love Parkour, then we have to respect it, train with your heart and try to undestand that well, don't think about Parkour is a way make you look good or just keep jumping. Parkour is not a stunt, that is a sport, we have to doit with heart!
當晚我們在Workshop中進行了好些的體能訓練,和簡單的技巧訓練,讓大家都一試Parkour 的感覺,在認知工作坊,我們希望大家知道,Parkour 是十分著重於體能訓練的,而且練習都不輕鬆,我們喜歡Parkour,就要去尊重Parkour,用心去了解和付出努力,不只只想著一開始就要好看,要跳,Parkour 不是是一個特技,而是一個運動,我們是需要用心去對待它。

11. do well (in )的意思

11. NowI`moverjoytosayIcanspeakgoodEnglishanddoverywellincommunicatingwithmyforeignfriends.

12. Therefore, inorder to enhance the contribution rate of the improved variety that agricultural increase production, it must be known how to dothe seed project well.


13. Sunday, just when sit inthat person of infront of to be when drowse, the priest decides to want to teach him well, let him donot sleep when preach again.

14. Well, you doif you want to excel inschool and inlife....

15. Sophie:Well,youknow,lifeisn'tafairytaleandIhavetogrowupandI'mgonnadothatinFlorida.

16. The initial start-up, did not follow prudent financial principles, mostly risk-taking because of overly optimistic business outlook, there is no ready reserve sufficient funds donot go wellinthe business, the financial cash flow problems are often faced with the problem.

17. do well (in )在线翻译

17. Eddie, on the other hand, is a fifty something man with a past that he has long reconciled with. The two discover that they need one another and Eddie becomes embroiled inLena's past, as wellas becoming seduced by her present. He will doanything to help untangle the mess she is in, including protecting her from the hit-man, police detective and mob boss that are hot on her tail.


18. After taking office, the same suction eye focus, Stars chorus, the security inorder to Xuan Jing Bo Ran intimate with biting ears, I donot know wellwhat a joke talk about Bo Ran make an order to not live Huazhiluanchan Xuan.

19. do well (in )的近义词

19. Heraccomplishmentsweresobrilliantandnumerous,thatitseemedstrangethatsheshouldhaveansweredanadvertisementofferingsuchverymoderatetermsofremunerationasthosenamedbyMr.Dawson:butMissGrahamseemedperfectlywellsatisfiedwithhersituation,andshetaughtthegirlstoplaysonatasbyBeethoven,andtopaintfromNatureafterCreswick,andwalkedthroughthedull,out-of-the-wayvillagetothehumblelittlechurchthreetimesonSunday,ascontentedlyasifshehadnohigheraspirationintheworldthantodosoalltherestofherlife.


20. I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence ina bright future, and i believe i can dowellinCAAC.