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shoulder to shoulder
美音: [ˈʃəuldə tu: ˈʃəuldə] 英音: [ˈʃoldɚ tu ˈʃoldɚ]

shoulder to shoulder基本解释

shoulder to shoulder

比肩; 肩并肩地

shoulder to shoulder的解释

shoulder to shoulder相关例句


1. They were standing shouldertoshoulder.

shoulder to shoulder网络解释

1. shoulder to shoulder

1. 并肩:head to head 交头接耳 | shouldertoshoulder 并肩 | on and on 继续

2. 肩对肩:12.New York纽约步 | 13.ShouldertoShoulder肩对肩 | 14.Reverse Top陀螺转

3. 齐心协力地:Six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两 | shouldertoshoulder 齐心协力地 | set one's jaw 咬紧牙关