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hold in contempt
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hold in contempt双语例句

1. What are you going to do, hold me incontempt?

2. hold in contempt

2. Love is that you know perfectly well that he has on such that resembling the old cap of soil, is ready to go out to show the public with him; Young merchants who is that you hold a businessman incontempt but he is that are lovable intentionally; Be that you usually have clean addiction but be that he washes greasy meticulous mess tin, dirty willingly gym shoes.

3. Their differences are only secondarily about policy. They hold each other's values incontempt.

4. I holdincontempt anyone who is afraid to fight for liberty.

5. You can holdincontempt the most famous eyes


6. Don`t force me to hold you incontempt.

7. Have little or no respect for; holdincontempt

8. hold in contempt的近义词

8. I will hold you incontempt if you don't sit down.

9. hold in contempt的解释

9. Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians incontempt.

10. I hold those fools in utter contempt.

11. hold in contempt什么意思

11. If you hold him incontempt, all is lost.


12. But let us come to Commodus, to whom it should have been very easy to hold the empire, for, being the son of Marcus, he had inherited it, and he had only to follow in the footsteps of his father to please his people and soldiers; but, being by nature cruel and brutal, he gave himself up to amusing the soldiers and corrupting them, so that he might indulge his rapacity upon the people; on the other hand, not maintaining his dignity, often descending to the theatre to compete with gladiators, and doing other vile things, little worthy of the imperial majesty, he fell into contempt with the soldiers, and being hated by one party and despised by the other, he was conspired against and was killed.
但 是,让我们谈谈科姆莫多吧,因为他是以马尔科的太子身份根据继承权而享有帝位的,他只要踏着他父亲的足迹前进,使人民和士兵满意,他就能够容易不过地保有这个帝国。可是,由于他秉性残忍和野蛮,为了自己能够鱼肉人民,他要买好军人,让他们放纵不羁;另一方面,他没有保持自己的尊严,常常走到竞技场同搏斗者格斗,并且做出其他卑鄙的、同皇帝的尊严极不相称的事情,因此,他受到士兵轻视。由于一方面憎恨他,而另一方面蔑视他,于是人们合谋反对他,并且终于把他杀害了。

13. The enhanced IRR also allows the FDA director to holdincontempt any person who ignores orders and writs issued by the agency.

14. He might even hold you incontempt of court.