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1. Our appoin'tment hot line is st a'ffed M o n'day rever'sal Fri'day from 8:30 am to 4:30 p. m. except'on Chi`ne s e'and Am e'rican hol'idays.
我们的预约热线从星期一至星期五,从早上 8:00 到下午 4:30 随时开通,中国和美国的节日除外。


2. The absence of institutional buying in response to Tuesday`s Opening action when, making Thu, Fri decline has become a matter of course.

3. Medicine medicine November 4 institutions to give the recommendation of the performance of plain this week, opening Monday to 33.96 yuan, the highest price for the week of 35.45 yuan, the lowest price to 33.82 yuan, Fri closing price of 34.20 yuan, Zhou or -0.75%, volume of 19, 498 hands, a slight increase in turnover.

4. Time. ctime(1035526125)'Fri Oct 2502:08:452002'SEE ALSO, `time. asctime` 又见`time. asctime` time. gmtime Return a time tuple of'seconds'since epoch, giving Greenwich Mean Time.

5. Fri.的解释

5. For me, in the 30 days...recovery from sickness, hanging out with couple of frnds (as usual, clubbing, pool, dining), Mon 2 Fri daily work, a mount of shopping for the coming Christmas (many...got a nice suit for both biz and party, except a boot hunting for months but still failed), Movie n TV (Apple, Lust Caution, War Lord, Goosip girl...but I strongly recommend Invisible and Shanghai Kiss), the very thing, music always the music, how can I live without this.
朝九晚五的工作(比较平静吧,平稳阶段,又该加一下速了),电影(从色戒,苹果到投名状也许还有集结号,还是最喜欢Invisible和Shanghai Kiss,也开始看Gossip G了。。。),音乐(很多牛X的单曲,会慢慢贴出来的)。。。。。。很多细节不想一一提及了,还是有很多收获,也有很多未完成的事项,年终的总结和来年的计划,以及欠下的一堆照片。。。。。


6. If Fri is a public holiday, spelling will be on Thurs.

7. Fri.的反义词

7. I had to motivate myself to wake up at 4.30am on mon-wed-fri to run the 10-15km and remind myself i am training to beat one person!
我必须在上午04时30分激励自己醒来的周一至周三,周五运行10 15公里,并提醒自己,我的训练打一人!


8. I love mathematics and English, I like to play the violin and play basketball, I usually write Mon-Fri homework, sometimes to help his mother with household chores on Saturdays I usually go to class, on the evening of violin lessons.

9. My father's fri d is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.

10. SHA LO requested me to reply the capacity issue on Fri since forecast q'ty ex Dec in AWV002 is over our capacity.
因为十二月 AWV002的预测出货量超出我们的产能,SHA LO星期五时要求我回覆他这个产能的问题

11. Take my wi ne i n my own cup, fri end.

12. In the end, the b end is sent to my fri end.

13. Fri.的反义词

13. Today I heard from my good fri Nikolaas Gyselbrecht that you re also organising an amazing one loft race, again great promotion Chinese pigeonsport also pigeonsport in generaly.

14. 05 Fri I'm proud of you.


15. 18 Fri I'll take it.

16. Fri.的解释

16. A true fri is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.

17. I have many homework, but I want to play basketball with my fri..

18. 14 Fri I'd like to.

19. Fri.

19. Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your fri ends.


20. 09 Fri I am looking for my book.