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armed force
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armed force单语例句

armed force

1. Zhou serves as the minister of public security and the first commissar of the Armed Police Force.

2. Police captured Ramirez later that day, but four armed men broke into the jail and took him away by force.

3. The change is aimed at distinguishing the armed police force from the People's Liberation Army and civilians.

4. He was enlisted in the Special Armed Polite Force for three years in Xinjiang.

5. An armed gang tried to force the film star's limousine off the road near San Luis Potosi.

6. He then ferried her to Guangdong Hospital of Armed Police Force, where she made a full recovery.

7. The US military agreed a truce and handed responsibility for security to an Iraqi force that includes many former officers in Saddam Hussein's armed forces.

8. Legal experts said the shortened legislative procedure reflects the heavy security task that the armed police force is facing.

9. The planned reinforcements will almost double the US armedforce in Afghanistan, and multiply the costs of the Afghan war.

10. Energy issues should not be politicized, and the use of force and armed confrontation should be avoided.

armed force的翻译

armed force双语例句


1. The camouflage paint female starts obviously to realize not being wonderful when I recited the incantation. It is possible that the green golden color light field to have brought the huge pressure to her darkness; saw the several ten thousands unions armedforce soldiers already wields the light sword

2. Jiangxi Juntian Machinery Co., Ltd.(formerly Jiangxi vehicles Switch Factory) is one of the original 1969 and one office of the investment in the construction of two state-owned enterprises, military industrial machinery Secretary for the Ministry of Industry sentinel military mobile power stations and modified vehicles, and the PLA General Logistics Department Armed Police Force sentinel military logistics equipment manufacturers.

3. I am proud of military life very much although no long, because of self once was a soldier though being not a excellent soldier, at least guess that the qualified soldier, armedforce live though monotonous, but enrich very much, very honest, that I often have a dream may arrive at my armedforce, my family, that brother having me, if the place have had us to struggle, one day, if the armedforce needs me as long as I can achieve, I am ready to offer my life as a tribute out, there am no the resentment nothing regretting.

4. Force them to increase sentences for murder, and they will also hand out longer terms to armed robbers.

5. armed force的翻译

5. 5Force them to increase sentences for murder, and they will also hand out longer terms to armed robbers.

6. armed force的近义词

6. Chen zi-ang and Li Bai was influenced by the freedom and furor of Si Chuan culture, on the other hand, Cen Shen was influenced by the Chu culture which had a symbole of romantic myth. On the other hand, the whole society had an esteem of armedforce.

7. Anyuan was one of the primary places of Qiushou Uprising in the Xiang-Gan boundary. The second group of the first division whose mainly armedforce was Worker and Peasant Revolutionary Army had made great contribution.

8. armed force

8. Chinese people's armed police force hospital of beijing, beijing 100027, china

9. Chinese People`s Armed Police Force in Shandong Province, Jinan 250014
中国人民解放军武装警察部队山东省总队,济南 250014


10. The Dare-to-Die Corps in Shansi was an anti-Japanese armedforce of the people which developed under the leadership and influence of the Communist Party in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

11. Mobobeijing2008 thought Taiwan should join the boycott: Taiwan has been threaten by China's armedforce.

12. The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebell and guerrilla warfare in the Carribbean and Andean countries.
工作 小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击战争的危险。

13. Involved in the rescue of the 8740 People`s Armed Police Force chief of staff, said Wang Yi, chief of staff, the armed police barracks in the headquarters of a division of the six前日晚11:15 epicenter region to reach Wenchuan, Wenchuan and outside at the time of transportation and communications all the interruption, the county seat of power All also interrupted.

14. In charge of public security, justice, emergency command, anti-smuggling, people`s armedforce.

15. armed force在线翻译

15. Hospital of No. 8730 Unit, Armed Police Force, Huadu 510800, China; 2.PLA 169th Hospital, Hengyang 421002, China
作者:作者:汤云华,王凯,宋英豪作者单位:武警8730部队医院,广州花都 510800 来源:医学期刊/临床医学收藏本文章

16. armed force

16. Daniel Polsby and Don Kates, in their article, Of Holocausts and Gun Control, 49 correctly remind us that force can and has been abused by dictators, (who of course under the Weberian definition are not legitimate), but they are wrong in believing that the creation of less powerful states or a citizenry armed to the teeth and prepared to use their arms to challenge government decisions they do not like will help to build a more democratic system.


17. Where a guerrilla base area constitutes a military area divided into sub-areas, each comprising several counties, each of which is again divided into districts, the relationship between the various levels, from the headquarters of the military area and sub-areas down to the county and district governments, is one of consecutive subordination, and every armedforce must, according to its nature, be under the direct command of one of these.

18. Zhou serves as the minister of public security and the first commissar of the Armed Police Force.

19. A new type of explosion-proof wheeled armored vehicles side by the People`s Armed Police Force is composed of a Terrorism Prevention SWAT unit to participate by reading the 20 Chinese-made explosion of new wheeled armored vehicle in accordance with 4 × 4 formation, plus two Guided Vehicle.

20. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Guangdong Frontier Defence Hospital of Armed Police Force, Shenzhen 518029, China
作者:何志刚,张云高,刘健民,欧江勇,黄涛作者单位:广东公安边防总队医院耳鼻咽喉科,广东深圳 518029