生字速查 部首拼音查字

拼音: tóu 注音: ㄊㄡˊ

笔顺读写: ——

部首: 广
笔画数: 12
字型分析: 左上包围结构
部外笔画: 9
四角: 00221
异体字UNICODE: 5EBE,903E,
五笔: YWGJ
郑码: TGQK
仓颉: IOMN
英语翻译: a cesspool; a manger, a trough; a flume; a chute, (same as 庾) a stack of grain, an ancient measure of capacity, a storage for water, (ancient form 逾)to pass over; to exceed
方言集汇: ◎ 粤语:tau4